
Wellington, NZ

What is Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy has been used by various cultures for eons as a powerful healing method, using vibrational frequencies to help produce a state of harmony and balance, or resonance, in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Pythagoras was the first known person to use sound as a healing tool using interval and frequency.


How Does It Work?

Sound therapy has been shown in studies to affect the psychology and physiology of the body by influencing brainwave frequencies. In this state many different therapeutic processes can occur.

It induces a deep meditation, or an altered state of consciousness (ASC), allowing your body to heal itself at a cellular level. This works by facilitating shifts in our brainwaves, using rhythm and frequencies to move from our normal conscious beta state, to a relaxed alpha state, to theta, a deep meditative state, and optimally delta, where sleep and healing can occur.

Medical studies have shown that Sound Therapy is beneficial in reducing stress levels, by actively reducing cortisol levels when the meditative state is reached. Ailments such as insomnia, inability to focus, infertility, physical issues and mental health diseases have been shown to benefit from this form of therapy.

It is now widely accepted that most illness, or dis-ease, is stress related. Therefore treatment methodologies that promote relaxation and help reduce stress can be a very effective way to prevent and treat illness. Through Sound Therapy, your body can vibrate at its optimum frequency, creating an ultimate environment for wellness to occur.

Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, an oncologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at Cornell University in New York, and author of "The Healing Power Of Sound", says that sound "can lower blood pressure, reduce cardiac complications among patients who have recently suffered heart attacks, reduce stress hormones during medical testing and boost natural opiates". He considers sound healing an integrative complementary practice with orthodox western medicines, and uses it in his own practice.

What Can I Expect ?

Before each session, Sharon will ask about your medical history and any current health issues, all confidential of course.

Your initial consultation will be approxomately 1.5 hours, with consecutive appointments of 1 hour.

This is a non-invasive therapy, where all you have to do is lie down on a massage bed and relax for about an hour!

You will be surrounded in sound, using singing bowls, to create a healing, meditative sound bath.

Using Acutonics, Sharon can apply osteophonic tuning forks on acupressure points to target particular areas (these forks help release Nitric Oxide, a free radical which affects pain transmission and protects major organs in the body).


The bowls and forks are attuned to the freqency of each Chakra, and Sharon is able to personalise each treatment and target your particular health issues. Sharon also uses the golden 432 HZ frequency which is said to vibrate with that of the universe and carries with it the properties of light, time, space, consciousness, our Chakras and our DNA code.

The treatments often produce a release of energy blockages in the chakra system, as well as mental and muscle tension, improving general health and wellbeing.

The 5 elements of space, air, fire, water and earth are brought together to create a unique experience to each person.


How Many Sessions Do I Need?

This will be driven by you, and what your body tells you. But generally you can expect to have up to 4 sessions to start, with repeat sessions as you see fit. Ongoing regular monthy or bi-monthly sessions will help your body keep in optimal wellness, as well as treat chronic issues.

How Much Are The Sessions?

The sessions are from $120 each or 4 for $460.

How Do I Book?

You can contact Sharon by
email on,
or phone her on +64212648544.


Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant


From the Sanskrit AYUR - meaning 'life' and VEDA - meaning 'knowledge' AYURVEDA quite literally means the knowledge of life and to have an understanding of Ayurveda is to have a blueprint for good mental and physical health.

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Ayurveda is the world's oldest holistic health system originating from the Indian sub-continent. It is the sister science of Yoga. It has been used for thousands of years to cleanse and restore balance to the body and mind. Despite it being more than 5,000 years old it is even more relevant today to our modern, busy and stressful lives. With cases of chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, arthritis, IBS, psoriasis, eczema, infertility, menopause symptoms and depression at an all-time high, Ayurveda offers a natural, gentle and effective solution, looking at you holistically - body, mind, and spirit.

Every individual has a unique constitution made up of three Doshas, comprised of five elements that are found in all living things on earth: ether, air, fire, water and earth: the building blocks of all life, much like our DNA . Every individual has a unique constitution made up of these Doshas. Ayurveda is unique in its approach to our makeup, and so are the lifestyle components offered, such as diet, meditation and yoga.

Sound Therapy and Ayurveda are both ancient Indian practices, and complement each other, one helping the other, in terms of diagnosis and related sound therapy treatments such as accupressure, tuning forks and singing bowls . Your consultant is therefore able to offer lifestyle recommendations including diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation.


The Peter Hess® Method.

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Peter Hess sound-massage is a modern method rooted in ancient knowledge of the positive effects of sound, such as in the east Indian healing arts of 5000+ years ago. According to their legend, humans were created from sound, and are sound. It follows that if a being is "in tune" with both self and environment, he or she is able to live life more freely and creatively.

Peter Hess is a German engineering graduate (FH) in Physical Technology who has extensively researched the effects of sound on people. Based on his manifold experience, particularly in Nepal and Tibet, he started work with metal singing bowls in 1984. His sound-massage method is based on compiled investigations and experiments showing the effect of traditional music on the human mind and body. In his many years of practice, Peter has adapted this knowledge for western cultures - the result is the original Peter Hess® method of Sound-Massage.

Peter heads the Institute for Sound Massage Therapy in northern Germany, which continues to develop and expand on his methods; and he has shared his own experiences in seminars provided both in Germany and abroad since 1986.


The Peter Hess method of sound-massage is applied primarily for deep relaxation. We don't make claims of cure or treatment, preferring to view it as a supportive approach. We don't need to look for what's "wrong" with the recipient, since we're not there to "fix" them. Instead we aim for good feelings, safety, and peaceful rest. The ability to let go into relaxation is key in the experience of health, and thus by offering relaxation sessions we can help people bring body, mind, and spirit into harmony.

Biofield Tuning

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Biofield Tuning is a unique, non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body. It is a simple yet powerful method for shifting the rhythms and patterns of the body's electrical system. The coherent input of a tuning fork gently supports the body in recognizing and correcting its own vibrational imbalances. It is simply a matter of the practitioner finding the noise and resistance in the biofield and staying with it until the body auto corrects.

Developed by pioneering researcher and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick, the method is based on her 20 years of clinical observations into the Biofield Anatomy in the USA. It is a simple, non-invasive and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes.

A Biofield Tuning session can be experienced in person or at a distance, singularly or in a group.


About Your Therapist


Sharon has long held the belief that keeping ourselves well is paramount. As such, she has pursued training in various Eastern and Western forms of Wellness and healing modalities.

Sharon has a certificate in Sound Healing from the Abhijna School Of Yoga in Sound Therapy in Kerala, India. She is a trained practitioner in the International Peter Hess Institute of Sound Therapy, a Registered International Biofield practitioner, and has Diplomas in Nutrition and Ayurveda.

She is a trained nurse, and has worked in Health Promotion with the NZ Heart Foundation, and with National Mutual Health Management in Sydney, Australia.

She is also a musician, freelance writer and artist.

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